Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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plain and simple. I want your body in my bed, and I want your company, too—that’s new for me. I’ve

always been a sexual person, but once my physical needs are met, I have no further use for my

playmates. It’s different with you. I don’t know if it’s because of what I took from you, because it was

different from my usual play… I don’t know why. I also don’t care. I want you, so I’ll have you, but

regardless of what you want to believe, I’m trying to accomplish that in the least damaging way

possible. I don’t enjoy hurting you. Your pain doesn’t please me. I am not cruel. Spoiled, perhaps,

but I take very good care of my toys. I’ll take very good care of you, if you’ll let me.”

His words are a lot to take in. My mind is reeling trying to process all of it, trying to reconcile

his intentions with my options.

If we’d met some other way, it would be easier to consider that there are options. It doesn’t feel

like there should be. The only sane, acceptable thing to do is get away from him and never look back.

The words feel thick on my tongue as I utter them without looking at him. “I don’t need you to

take care of me.”

“I know,” he says simply. Then, tempting me with something I had no idea I was interested in, he

adds, “But wouldn’t it be nice?”

He’s crazy.

This isn’t a date and there aren’t any options.

If I’m not careful, I’ll get sucked into his crazy way of thinking, and I don’t even understand it. I

don’t understand why he feels so compelling when he’s absolutely, utterly insane.

“Let go of convention, Hallie. Give yourself to me.”

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