Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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I hear a confused murmur, and a moment later my phone lights up.

“It’s locked?” reads the text on my phone.

I breathe a sigh of relief and unlock the door.

I pull it open and see my very confused sister standing on the other side, glancing in and seeing

it’s a multi-stall bathroom, so why was it locked?

“Thank you,” I say, without explaining. I step outside and look both ways down the hall. I know I

look like a paranoid lunatic, but I don’t care. When I see the coast is clear, my chest opens up and I

can finally breathe again.

He’s not here.

Thank God.

Georgia is still standing there in her stunning green dress with her auburn hair piled up in a

casually elegant up-do. “What’s going on?” she asks.

I shake my head, pushing past the door and then letting it close behind me. “It’s a long story.”

Georgia nods. She knows all about long stories. Absently reaching into her purse for her lip

gloss, she asks, “One you want to tell?”


She accepts my answer without prodding like I knew she would, and I’m so glad. Georgia is my

sister and of course she cares about me, but her own life experiences have made her less pushy about

butting into my business. Charity would be like a dog with a bone, ruthlessly terrorizing the truth out

of me. Georgia won’t make me spill if I don’t want to.


I’m grateful as we begin chatting casually about the wedding. “Did you enjoy the ceremony?” I

“Oh, yes, it was beautiful. You seemed a little… uncomfortable?”

My gaze shoots to her, eyes wide. “You could tell?”

She nods sympathetically.

My shoulders sag with disappointment.

She’s quick to add, “Maybe I could only tell because we’re sisters, you know? Maybe nobody

else noticed.”

We’re sisters, but only half-sisters. Georgia and I didn’t grow up living together, so we don’t

have that close-knit bond some siblings have. She’s only being nice telling me that. If she noticed,

there’s a good chance it was plain for anyone to see.

“Great,” I murmur.

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