Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Chapter Seven


I can’t believe he’s here.

I can’t believe he kissed me.

I stand inside the ladies’ room with my back pressed against the door, needing a moment alone to

collect myself.

As soon as my heart stops racing, I’m able to think clearly again.

I shouldn’t have come to the ladies room. It’s down a dark corridor away from the crowd. If he

watched me disappear down that hall, he could have easily followed me. He could get me alone here,

and after last night…

I can’t believe he’s here.

I try to breathe normally, but it still feels like a lead weight is pressing down on my chest. Now

fear takes hold, because while normally it would seem irrational to worry some man I barely know

might have followed me down a hall to corner me, after last night, it seems almost inevitable that he’s

waiting for me outside.

This bathroom isn’t a single stall, it’s a room meant for many ladies, but a quick walk past the

stalls tells me no one else is inside. There’s a lock on the door, though. If Calvin is in the hall, he

could easily push me in here and lock it so no one would be able to get in. I’d be locked inside with

him just like I was last night.

Impulsively, I turn the lock.

My stomach drops the moment I do.

He probably isn’t out there yet.

I need to text someone, a wedding guest or bridesmaid who can come escort me out of here, but

one who won’t tell Charity or ask a lot of questions I can’t answer.

The only person I can think of is my sister, Georgia. She knows all about ‘don’t ask’ situations.

With shaky fingers, I grab my phone out of my small purse and shoot her a text asking her to meet

me outside the bathroom. I would never ask her to come if I thought I’d be putting her in danger, but

there’s safety in numbers. Even if Calvin is waiting outside in the hall, he won’t be alone with her for

more than a few seconds. The moment I know she’s out there, I’ll open the door and we can leave


Someone tries to push the door open and my heart jumps.

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