Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Chapter Six


It was a bold move to bring a date to a thing like this.

I’m not sure what to even call the occasion—a surprise, certainly, but that word generally

carries positive connotations.

Judging from the way Hallie turns white and then a particularly fuming shade of red as she

processes my presence and then Kira’s, it was the right one.

The opposite of love isn’t hatred, after all, it’s indifference. If seeing me here with someone else

didn’t make her angry, I would have a lot more work to do.

She’s definitely not indifferent to me. When the ceremony ends and the bride and groom parade

down the aisle, Hallie’s gaze returns to me. She’s a vision in pink, clutching her bouquet like it’s a


As she makes her way down the aisle in my direction, I spread my thighs a bit. When she walks

past, the flowy fabric of her long dress brushes my leg.

It’s an absurd thing to make me smile, but it does. It’s exhilarating being so close to her. Close

enough to touch, even if I can’t right now.

I really didn’t plan to see her again after last night. I hadn’t even made it all the way home

before I started to realize that wasn’t going to work. All I could think about in the car on the way

home was which part of the seat she had touched. That’s where I wanted to sit, just to be close to her


Even though I hadn’t planned to see her again, I told Hollis to look for her invitation while he

was in her apartment. I figured she would have at the very least a wedding invitation pinned to the

front of her refrigerator, maybe even a more elaborate setup since she’s the maid of honor.

The moment he showed me the picture he snapped of Charity’s invitation pinned beneath a

painted heart magnet, I knew I would have to see her. I wasn’t sure if I would crash the wedding or

just hang around outside until I caught a glimpse of her, but by the time I undressed and climbed into

bed, I’d made the decision to attend the wedding.

It’s downright dickish to make her see me today, but my need to see her overpowered common

decency. I suppose I could have stayed away, but I didn’t want to.

Once Hallie isn’t in the room anymore, I remember how much I hate weddings. I stand as soon as

the last members of the bridal party have made their exit and leave Kira to fend for herself.

I hear her voice behind me. “Calvin, wait.”

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