Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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“I’m just curious. I want to know more about you.”

She shakes her head like I’ve said something insane, which I guess I did.

“You should let me pay you,” I tell her.

“I’m not a hooker, and I’m not inclined to let you pay me off so you can sleep better at night.”

“Oh, sweetheart.” I don’t mean to mock her, but I can’t help smiling at her innocence. “I will

sleep just fine. It’s not for me, it’s for you. Saying you don’t want my money is illogical. My money is

as good as anyone else’s.”

“Not to me,” she murmurs, bending down to pick up her pink leather handbag.

“You like pink?” It’s a stupid question. Of course she likes pink. Her bag is pink, her skirt is

pink. It’s a soft, feminine color that suits her well.

She doesn’t answer me, anyway. She turns around slowly as if she’s looking for something, but

unable to remember what. She’s a bit scattered. I can see it aggravates her as her hand balls up at her

side and her forehead crinkles as she looks around the room, unable to figure out what she’s left


I know what I’m about to say is even crazier than anything I’ve already said, but what the hell?

“I’d like to see you again.”

She scoffs and shakes her head, but doesn’t bother dignifying my statement with any kind of

verbal response.

The door opens and her gaze shoots to it like it’s her last salvation. She runs over to grab it

before it shuts, startling Hollis as he walks in.

It’s not wise to do that, but luckily it turned out okay this time. He flicks a gaze at me as she starts

to flee.

I sit forward and reach for the shoes she forgot to put back on. “Hallie, I believe you forgot


She’s halfway out the door when she darts a glance back in my direction. I hold out her shoes,

wordlessly inviting her to come get them, but she refuses to move away from the door and let it close


Taking pity on her, I get up and walk the shoes over to her. I kneel down just inside the doorway

and hold out her high heel like Prince Charming presenting a glass slipper to his intended.

Her eyes narrow with dislike, but she offers her pointed foot anyway.

I slide the shoe on, careful not to hurt her heel, then we do the same thing with her other foot.

Finally, she is as intact as she can be now that she’s met me. Her gaze leaves me the moment it

can and shifts to Hollis. “You’re taking me home?”

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