Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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She latches on desperately. “Yes.”

“If I stop, I’m going to fuck your sweet pussy. You want my cock inside you instead of the toy?”

That trips her up. She doesn’t want either. “I… I don’t want to come. Please.”

I move the vibrator, pressing it harder against her clit.

“Calvin,” she cries.

I tug the vibrator out of her pussy and she sags against the couch with relief.

“Thank you,” she whispers.

Thank you.

Imagine thanking me for that.


She’s lovely. Once more, I wish I could keep her, explore her a bit more and really get to know

I can’t, but I can have her right now.

Now that her pussy is slick, it’s much easier to push into her. She whimpers, reaching back to

push against my hip as I slide deeper into her.


My heart rate kicks up almost instantly.

I grab her hand and push it away, then grab her hip. I need the leverage when I pull back and

plunge into her again, harder this time.

Now that I’m inside her, I’m a man possessed. The pleasure verges on fucking incapacitating as I

slam into her, the physical pleasure peppered with the sound of my flesh slapping hers and the even

sweeter sounds emanating from her beautiful throat as I use her body.

“Please,” she cries, but I don’t even know what she’s begging for anymore. She probably

doesn’t, either.

It doesn’t matter. I love every sound she makes while I’m fucking her, whether they mean

anything or not.

I slam forward into her pussy and smack her ass at the same time. She cries out more sharply, but

it’s better when she cries. I wish I could taste her tears on my lips while I drive into her, but I can’t

resist my current view. The way her perfect ass looks, the way it tapers to her tiny waist. An upside

down heart, my cock like a sword plunged right down the center.

I don’t want to break her heart, but you wouldn’t know it from the forceful thrust of my hips as I

drive into her over and over again.

It’s a claiming, violent and primal. I want to mark her so no one else ever dares touch her.

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