Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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but she’s trying more earnestly to get the vibrator out of her. She gets her arms over the edge of the

couch and is just about to roll off onto the floor. I have to let go of the vibrator to stop her.

“Stop,” she says, smacking my arms and clawing at my hands, trying to pry my fingers off her.

“Why are you using that? That has nothing to do with your pleasure.”

“I know, it’s for yours,” I explain calmly as she digs her nails into my hand and scratches. The

bite of pain only makes me smile.

Ignoring her tantrum, I slide my hand over her lovely ass again, then retrieve the vibrator that fell

out of her during the struggle.

It’s still buzzing, as eager as I am to get back into the warmth of her pussy.

Maybe I’ll really fuck with her. Build her to an orgasm but not let her come until after I’ve

fucked her. Then I’ll make her come.

Yes, I like that. It’s a better design, more suited to haunting her after she leaves me.

I push the toy inside her again, moving it around until her thighs tremble and I know I’ve hit the

right spot. She goes rigid, sucking in a few shallow breaths as the vibrator hums inside her pussy.

“Does that feel good?” I ask, running a hand up her back and pushing her hair aside to expose her

neck. She doesn’t answer me, but I didn’t expect her to. A faint whimper slips out of her as she fights

the physical pleasure I’m forcing on her.

“Please,” she whines, the sound muffled against the leather cushion.

The soft sound of pleasure dragged from her unwillingness is music to my ears. I press the tip

deeper and she gasps as it hits her clit from a slightly different angle.

“Please take it away,” she cries more desperately.

I love the way she’s softening. I thought I had broken her spirit in a bad way, but maybe I was


“You’ll feel whatever I want you to feel, Hallie. How does it feel to know that? To be my little

fuck doll, completely at my mercy?”

Her breath comes raggedly, the pressure inside her building against her own will. “Please.”

She’s desperate not to come for me, but with that vibration assaulting her sensitive clit, she’s

struggling to hold on. I can tell by the deepening sweetness of her begging, the way she claws at the


“Please don’t make me come. Calvin, please.”

Her voice is soft and sweet like cotton candy. I like her begging me. I like it a lot.

“You want me to stop?”

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