Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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As I close the storybook, I gaze down at the peaceful face of my beautiful sleeping daughter.

Ariella Isis Cutler. (She was conceived in an Egyptian temple intended for the goddess, so it

only seemed right we incorporate Isis into her name somehow.) So much has changed since she came

into my life.

The first copy of my book came today. It’s a proof, not the real thing, but it only seemed right that

my daughter should be the first one to enjoy the story.

Well, she enjoyed it for a couple of pages, then she started batting at her mobile—just out of

reach, but she has her daddy’s determination and was certain if she just reached high enough, she

could grab the moon and all the stars and yank them right down into her tiny little grasp.

I hope it’s not a sign of things to come. I’m not sure I can handle two of them.

I smile fondly despite the thought. Oh, who am I kidding? I could juggle a whole house full of

those troublemakers.

I take the book with me as I sneak out into the hallway, then I pull Ariella’s door closed, but

leave it open a crack.

We’re not staying in the city anymore. When Calvin’s dad died from a massive stroke, we came

to Connecticut to stay with his mom. She didn’t want to be alone, and Calvin thought it would be good

for us to get out of the city for a while.

“For a while” turned into much longer, and then he sprung what I assume was his master plan all

along—let’s just move here. Of course we’ll keep our place in the city, and we can visit any time we

want to see aunt Charity or catch a show, but primarily, let’s stay at the Connecticut house and enjoy

all it has to offer.

Surprisingly, after years of yearning to live in New York and years of enjoying the city, I liked

the idea. As big as the penthouse was, this place is much bigger. There’s plenty of room to chase the

baby around, and Marie loves it, too.

I’ve stopped illustrating for other people altogether, so I don’t go into the city all that much.

Calvin still has to drive in to work, but he generally leaves earlier so he can get home and spend time

with us. It was important to him that Ariella have wide open spaces to explore when she starts to

walk, not the busy, congested, at times dangerous city.

He’s a protective father, but I should have known he would be. He’s protective of me, and I’m

certainly not his little girl.

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