Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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up, I hear a soft, lilting moan as she rolls over and opens her eyes.

“Hello, sweetheart.”

She smiles as I caress her face, probably sleepy enough to forget where I was tonight. “Hello,


I crack a smile.

Okay, maybe she didn’t forget.

“I brought you food.”

“Ooh.” She looks over at the bedside table with interest, but her gaze doesn’t linger long before

returning to me. Her soft sleepy happiness fades and she asks, “How did it go with Charity?”

“Very well,” I assure her.

“Yeah?” She’s skeptical.

“Even better than expected. You don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

“Mm.” Her big eyes lock on mine, a soberness in her gaze that belies how comfy and angelic she

looks right now. “You’re always fixing my problems, aren’t you?”

“When I’m not creating them, yes.”

She smiles wryly, then pushes herself up in the bed. “What’s this I heard about a snack?” I grab it

off the nightstand for her, but before I hand it to her, she says, “Can you get me the captive girlfriend

tray to put it on? I don’t want to risk dumping tomato sauce all over your bed.”

I correct her. “Our bed.”

Hallie rolls her eyes. “Fine, our bed.”

“I might be able to get you the tray, if you use the magic word.”

I stand, preparing to go get the tray for her, but I look expectantly at Hallie first, expecting her to

say please.

“I love you,” she says instead.

I freeze.

Her teeth sink into her lower lip a bit self-consciously. “I thought about what you said, and—not

for that reason, but—I… I think you’re right. I think I love you.”

For once, I don’t know what to say. A few seconds pass, then I say dryly, “I was really only

looking for please.”

She smiles faintly. “I know. I just wanted to tell you.”

I sit down on the edge of the bed and cradle her face in my hand. “I love you, too, Hallie. Very

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