Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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His frown eases. A glint of pleasure dances in his eyes as he tells me, “You’re my first.”

My heart sinks. He hasn’t done this before? Who just wakes up one day and decides to do

something like this? “I don’t believe you,” I say, but he can hear the uncertainty in my voice.

“It’s the truth. I’ve played out rape scenarios with other women, but they were all willing.”

I’m horrified, but my curiosity is piqued. “Scenarios?”

He nods, releasing my legs and grabbing me so he can turn me around. I clutch my open blouse

as it tries to fall off, and Calvin pulls me back against his chest, locking an arm around my neck and

leaning in to murmur in my ear. “Last time I reserved a room with a bed. My playmate curled up to

sleep alone—naked, like a good girl—and I played the big bad home invader who forced his way

into her home and her body.”

His words send a sinful shiver down my spine. My breath catches imagining the scenario playing

out. “But she… she liked it.”

“Oh, yes. She liked it a couple of times,” he murmurs warmly, kissing the shell of my ear. “I

waited until she actually fell asleep so she’d truly be surprised. When I forced my cock inside her,

she woke up and started fighting in earnest. For just a moment, her consciousness was too blurry for

her to realize she was getting what she wanted, and that moment… that was the most exhilarating


His words are demented, but the gooseflesh rising on my body as he tells me this wicked story

and kisses me is no less depraved.

This shouldn’t excite me, not even a little bit.

I know I don’t want him. In my perfect world, he wouldn’t be kissing me, touching me,

whispering wicked words in my ear.

But we’re not in my perfect world tonight. We’re in his.

A world where he can do whatever he wants to me, and the more I fight back, the longer I’ll be

trapped here with him.

At least I can rest easier knowing he doesn’t have a trail of victims following behind me, I guess.

But why the deviation tonight, with me? What will happen after tonight? Will he go back to playing

with willing playmates, or will this whet his appetite for actually stripping away a woman’s will

before he can fuck her?

His warm breath on my ear startles me as he murmurs, “How’s that for honesty?”

Pretty honest, I guess.

I tilt my head away from him, but I can’t get far with his forearm locked around my neck. “Why


He keeps his arm around my neck to keep me close, but with his other hand, he lifts my bra so my

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