Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Chapter Forty Two


On Sunday when it’s time to meet Calvin’s parents, he’s much less anxious about making any

kind of impression.

I can tell he doesn’t really want to go. I don’t think he sees a lot of his parents, and I know from

the story he told me that night at The Met that he very much does not like his father.

I still want to make a good impression, though.

I want to wear the pretty new mahogany sandals I bought, and luckily, I was able to find a

matching belt. I pair it with a white dress Calvin bought me and finish the look with brown

sunglasses. When I look in the mirror, I think I look like I belong in Italy again.

Maybe I should say yes to that. I have always wanted to see Italy, and I have the perfect outfit…

Calvin is already dressed in a black T-shirt with a charcoal gray pinstriped dinner jacket and

matching pants. He looks striking, but he always does. It’s the inside that can be a little off-putting.

Looking at his color palette and mine, I wonder if I should’ve worn black and gray, too. Calvin

normally picks out my outfits, but he let me do it tonight.

Unsure if he’ll like what I picked out for myself, I move closer until I catch his attention.

He leans back on the couch, and I’m unnerved by the sinful way his eyes rake over me—as if we

were in a strip club and I’m standing here on a stage without a single scrap of clothing on my body.


He makes me feel bare naked, like I can’t hide anything from him.

He senses my unease. He knows I’ve come looking for his approval, and he likes it.

Smiling tentatively, I grab a handful of my dress and do a little twirl. “You like?”

I shouldn’t ask. Shouldn’t care. Still, when his eyes warm with pleasure and a sensual smile tugs

as his lips, I find myself warming a bit.

“I love. You’re beautiful, Hallie. Inside and out.”

The man may be the devil, but he sure knows how to give a compliment.

“You think your parents will approve? I wasn’t sure if I should wear something so casual, or

maybe something more conservative…”

Immediately dismissive, he shakes his head. “You can wear a bathing suit to meet them if that’s

what makes you happy. My mom will love you no matter what, and if my father doesn’t like it, he can

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