Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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The screen door squeaks as it eases open. I grip Calvin’s hand a little tighter and paste on a


Mom opens the door and steps out onto the small cement pad at the top of the few stairs.

“Hallie,” she says.

“Mom,” I return, letting go of Calvin so I can run over and give her a hug.

“Oh, my goodness. You look so beautiful,” she says, squeezing me tight and rocking with me a

little. She lets go and pulls back to smile at my face, but her smile dims when she sees my red-rimmed

eyes. “Have you been crying?”

I wave her off with a smile. “Oh, no. It’s nothing. I’m a little extra emotional these days, that’s


Her eyes widen.

Mine do, too.

I can’t believe I said that.

Her gaze flits to my stomach, then back to my face, uncertain. “Are you…?”

“Wow.” I laugh nervously and look back at Calvin. He’s at the bottom of the steps, about to come

up. “Wow, I am… None of this is going the way I meant it to.”

“Hallie, are you pregnant?” Mom demands, looking from me to Calvin for an answer.

“Surprise,” I say weakly, placing a hand over my stomach.

Her shock only intensifies when she sees the enormous ring on my left hand.

“Oh, uh… surprise again,” I say, almost apologetically.

Slack-jawed, Mom stares at me, completely at a loss.

“So… can we come in?” I ask sheepishly.


After the catastrophic start to the visit, the rest goes as smooth as can be. Mom loves Calvin for

every reason—he’s handsome and wealthy and gives off an excellent impression of a good guy.

It’s only in the moments when her back is turned and he shoots me a sinful look, or when she

insists on me showing him my childhood bedroom and he slides his hand up my thigh, pushing me

against the wall and kissing me the moment we’re alone… those are the moments the real him peeks


I like it, though.

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