Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Chapter Forty One


It’s not how I thought the visit would start, sitting in the car telling my most recent rapist the story

of the jerk who violated me before he came along. It’s not a story I like to tell anyone, and because of

our unique circumstances, I really didn’t want to tell him.

He could ruin absolutely everything with one wrong comment. He could be cruel or dismissive.

He could identify more with Mark and have no sympathy for what I went through. I wouldn’t be able

to get past that, but I wouldn’t be able to leave, either.

It’s what I expect. It’s what makes sense. Most people want to believe they’re good, and how

could he condemn Mark without condemning himself?

But, somehow, he manages. He manages to wrap his arms around me and hold me without it

feeling icky or fake. Somehow, he can offer comfort for that earlier instance of pain despite having

inflicted similar pain on me himself.

I got a little more upset than I expected to while I told the story. I have to swipe at my nose with

a tissue from my purse. “I just can’t believe he’s that much of an asshole. To buy a house that close to

my mom’s…”

“Don’t worry,” Calvin says darkly before pressing a kiss to my forehead. “He won’t live there

for much longer.”

I pull back and look up at him. “Are you going to buy his house, too?”

Calvin smiles. His eyes are warm for me, but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes. “Something like

that. Don’t worry about it. Just know that if we ever have to drive this way again, it will not be past

his house.”

“She’ll probably want us to visit for Christmas,” I murmur.

“Then I’ll make sure he’s gone by then.”

The way he says it, not like it’s a vague idea or a hasty promise made in anger, but as if it’s a

done deal already, and I don’t need to think about it any longer…


I feel safe. Cared for.

We get out of the car and I take his hand. I didn’t plan to, but a swell of affection wells up inside

I may not like all the things he’s done, but I do like being with someone so willing to protect me.

I like that feeling he talked about of always being on the winning team.

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