Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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He has men, too. The man that brought me here, the one he sent away because he doesn’t want an

audience, I doubt he left. Even if I made it through those doors, the guard would probably catch me

and haul me right back inside.

Then I’d be right back where I began, but with my aggressor injured and angry.

No, running won’t work.

Appealing to his mercy still seems like the best option to me at the moment. There’s something

off about him, but he seems rational. He’s not some raging, unthinking beast. He’s a man, just perhaps

an odd one.

As that thought flits through my head, he pushes a button on my blouse through its slit.

The thought of him undressing me spurs me to action. “Wait. Please, let’s think about this.”

“I appreciate your attempts to reason with me, Hallie, but you should know they won’t work.”

As he says it, he releases my wrists and grabs my hips, turning me around so I’m facing the

dungeon wall. Before I can do anything with my hands, he shoves me forward and uses his body to

pin me against the wall.

The hair on the back of my neck stands up as he reaches down and lifts my skirt, running his

hands over my ass.

“Very nice,” he says, as if appraising fruit at the market.

He’s a psycho.

My gaze flickers to the door. I’m still doubtful running will work, but I don’t know how else to

keep his hands off me. If it’s my only chance to escape, I have to take it.

Rearing back suddenly, I crack my skull against his as hard as I can.


It hurts like hell, but he wasn’t expecting it, so he stumbles back a step.

Fear courses through me. I know he’ll be meaner if he catches me now, so I can’t let him. I lunge

for the door, grabbing the handle to yank it open.

Only when I pull with all my might, nothing happens. It’s like tugging on a handle attached to a

solid brick wall.

Horror floods me as I pull harder. It doesn’t make sense. I know this is a door. I came in through

it. Why won’t it open?

Why won’t it open?

As if he can hear my frantic thoughts, Calvin explains, “It’s locked. You can’t get out of this room

until I let you out.

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