Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Why would you delete pictures you took with your daughter?

The oldest picture now is one of him pushing his newest daughter on an infant swing at the park.

Ironically, when I glance at the comments, the first one I see is one of his old conquests commenting

enthusiastically about what a great father he is.

Since I didn’t find everything I was looking for, I click the profile of his girlfriend. It doesn’t

appear that they’re married. Their last names are different and there are no wedding pictures that I

can find. Her profile is much more private so I can’t see much of it. She likes coffee, shopping, and

birthday fundraisers. Their daughter has alopecia and that’s why she doesn’t have any hair in the more

recent photos.

I don’t realize how long I’ve spent looking until Calvin walks into the living room. I’m startled

because I didn’t hear him come in. Also because of what I’m doing. I fumble and drop the phone like

I’ve been caught doing something I shouldn’t.

Calvin shoots me a funny look.

“Hi,” I say awkwardly, grabbing my phone and flashing him a guilty smile.

His eyes narrow with vague suspicion.


I go back to his page and take a screenshot of Mark’s profile to remind myself to come back later

and see if I missed anything.

“How was your day?” I ask, swiping my screen and closing all my apps.

“Good,” he says, still suspicious as he sets his briefcase down on the counter. “And yours?”

“Also good. I had lunch with Charity after my meeting and went shopping afterward. Those

shoes you gave me today were great, thank you.”

He nods, opening the case and drawing out a folder. “I’m glad you like them. What were you

doing when I came in?”

I don’t know why, I knew I had been a little awkward, but I didn’t expect him to ask. “Um…

phone time things.”

That’s an odd answer. I cringe at myself.

Great job, now he’ll never suspect anything.

Of course he does, he’s not a moron, but he doesn’t push the issue right now. “How have you

been feeling?”

“Good. I got hit by a little wave of nausea at lunch, but I haven’t been sick again.”

“And Charity is doing well?” he asks as a matter of routine.

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