Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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That was too close. She’ll be distracted when she gets off the call, so I try to think of something

to change the subject to when she gets off.

While I’m brainstorming, my phone vibrates, too.

I grab it and see a message from Calvin that reads, “Do you know your ring size?”

My eyes widen. “Um… yes? Why?”

“Just curious. What is it?”

That seems like a dangerous question, so I don’t answer it. Instead, I tuck my phone away and

return my attention to Charity while I wait for her to end her call.

We have a nice lunch chatting about Charity’s honeymoon and the mountain of work she has had

since she got back. I try to keep the spotlight solely on her, and only mention what I’ve been up to in

vague, passing terms.

It feels a lot like lying, but I’m not ready to tell the truth.

Thankfully, despite her similarities to Calvin in some ways, one way she differs is that she

doesn’t pay as close attention to me. She’s not as hung up on the truth, either, so I’m able to skate

through lunch despite a few pretty obvious glaring moments that should have aroused her suspicions.

Charity pulls out her credit card at the end of the meal, but then I remember I have Calvin’s.

“Wait! Lunch is on me this time,” I say happily, grabbing the bill fold from her and digging out

my pretty pink Discover card.

“Ooh, new credit card?”

“Brand-new and begging to be used.” I slap it down in the bill fold and close it before handing it

back to the waitress.

“That dirty slut,” she jokes. “Hey, I have an idea. Do you still have some time?”

I nod. “Now that my meeting’s over, I’m pretty much free for the day.”

“Awesome. I need to get back, but since you bought lunch, why don’t I get dessert? My credit

cards want to be sluts, too.”

“Did you have something specific in mind?” I ask, standing because she does.

She grabs her purse and slides the thin chain over her shoulder. “Wanna stop at Billy’s and get a

slice of carrot cake to take home?”

“Oh my God, yes.”

She grins and loops her arm through mine. “Let’s go.”

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