Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Chapter Three


I thought it would work.

I thought I could reason with him.

Now I can’t think at all as adrenaline surges through my veins and my heart threatens to beat its

way out of my chest.

Whatever I expected him to do next, I didn’t expect him to kiss me.

My hands press against his firm, muscled chest, useless as I try to push him away. Even though

they’ve proven ineffective, he captures my hands and wrestles them behind my back, gathering both of

my wrists in one of his massive hands and forcing me back against the cold, hard wall.

I imagine I’ll be able to tug free, but I’m wrong. Even with one hand he’s able to keep my wrists

trapped behind me, the only thing between my body and the cold cement blocks.

Frustrated, I turn my face away to evade his brutal kiss, but he grabs my jaw with his free hand

and forces my gaze back to his. My heart lurches at the coldness in his deep brown eyes.

“I don’t know if you know this, Hallie, but it’s not much fun to kiss someone who won’t kiss you


“You’re a complete psycho if you think there’s even a chance I’ll kiss you back,” I tell him.

His gaze warms with something I might call affection if I were a nutcase. I start as he loosens his

grip on my jaw to caress it instead.

A shiver dances down my spine. I don’t know what to make of this man. There’s something

obviously off about him, but…

It’s the ‘but’ that’s my damnation.

A normal woman would look into the eyes of this predator and feel no faint pull of curiosity,

only the self-preserving instinct to get the hell away from him.

I do want to get away from him, but I’m curious, too. Maybe it’s the curiosity that keeps me from

raising my knee and bringing it full force into his junk, incapacitating him just long enough to wrench

the door open and flee this awful place.

I’m not sure how far I’d get, though. Maybe that’s why I don’t do it.

I’d rather get out of this peacefully than make him angry. He’s bigger and stronger than I am. He

can hurt me if he wants to.

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