Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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away in bed all day, but I understand she’s right. It’s the growth of our little one in her beautiful body

that’s making her feel ill, and that’s something she may have to deal with for weeks, so I suppose she

can’t stay in bed the whole time.

“All right,” I say, grabbing my phone. I set the alarm since she asked me to, but I’ll be gone by

the time it goes off.

I’ll transfer the alarm to hers in the morning, but right now she doesn’t know she’ll have her

phone tomorrow, and I don’t tell her.

Once her soup is finished, I haul the tray to the kitchen while she brushes her teeth. We climb

back into bed, and she turns on her side, sliding one arm under her pillow like she always does and

wiggling until she’s comfortable.

I can’t help smiling. I love all of her little bed movements.

Fondness compels me to lean over and drop a kiss on her perfect lips.

It makes me so happy to know even now, my child is growing inside her body. I can’t wait until

that makes her happy, too.

My little dove is distrustful of me, though. Even my kiss seems to arouse her suspicions. Her

brow furrows and she watches me like she’s trying to decide what to make of me.

I love you.

I don’t say it, of course. It sounds crazy, and she already thinks I’m crazy enough.

I feel it, though. Just being in her presence fills me with a potent mix of happiness, peace, and


If that’s not what love feels like, then maybe I don’t know what love is.

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