Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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“I can’t be pregnant.”

My voice sounds small and tremulous when I intended for it to sound strong and sure.

“Probably not,” Calvin says gently, to comfort me. “But I had Hollis buy you a test so we can be


I shake my head. I back up as if I can back away from what may have already happened. I’d lean

against a wall and slide down it, but there’s not a wall behind Calvin’s desk, there’s a built-in

bookcase that spans the length of the wall. “I don’t want to take it.”

“That’s unreasonable,” he says, finally moving toward me.

I hope it’s to take pity on me and unlock the desk drawer so I can have my phone, but it’s not. He

takes my arm and drags me back to the master bathroom, grabbing the test off my side of the bed on

the way.

I’m still feeling resentful, but logically I know he’s right. Whether I take the test or not, the facts

won’t change.

Maybe a test will even reassure me that I’m not pregnant, and serve the dual purpose of waking

this lunatic up to the fact that he needs to start encasing his dick in a condom before shoving it into


The test Hollis bought for me is an early detection one. It claims it can even detect pregnancy

before a missed period.

I can’t be sure—I track my cycle on my phone calendar, but I don’t have access to that right now

to check—but I believe I’ve already missed my period.

I open the package and find two tests inside, so I guess if I don’t get the result I want the first

time, I get one more shot.

I’ve been nicer to Calvin lately, but right now I’m grumpy as hell with him. He’s still lingering in

the doorway while I open the test, so I glare at him over my shoulder. “Do you mind? I’d like some


He doesn’t leave the room. Instead, he steps all the way in. He places a firm hand on my

shoulder and leans in to kiss my temple. “I know pregnant women are prone to mood swings, so I’ll

overlook the tone, but no, I won’t be going anywhere.”

My jaw hangs open and I stare at him. How dare he utter a thing like that? “I am not pregnant,” I

grumble, ripping the foil packet open.

He remains by the sink while I take the test into the toilet partition, so at least he gives me that

much privacy, I guess. I pee on the stick like I’m supposed to, then cap it and carry it back to the sink.

I try not to stare at it resting menacingly on the counter the whole time I’m washing my hands.

The directions were specific that you should wait to read the results, and I don’t want to fill myself

with false hope.

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