Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Oh my god, could he hear us?

As if nothing is amiss, he takes a step back so we can get out of the car.

Calvin leans forward and grabs my heels off the ground, but leaves my panties and hosiery. He

kneels on one knee and lifts my foot, then eases it into the shoe just like he did that night in the


The memory makes my stomach sink, but it’s at odds with the pleasure and arousal I just

experienced at his hands moments ago. My body is a mess and doesn’t understand what I’m doing to


Once I have both heels on, I should theoretically be able to get out of the car on my own, but my

leg muscles haven’t fully recovered. I falter and have to grab Hollis’ hand to keep from falling down.

“Thank you,” I say once I’ve righted myself, humiliation deepening and warming my face even


Hollis nods indifferently and retracts his hand as I move past him. Calvin gets out behind me,

and I glance back just as Hollis tells him, “She tripped.”

Amused, Calvin says, “I saw. It was very gallant of you to catch her.”

Hollis scowls and flicks me a glance that feels almost accusing. “Didn’t want her to twist an


“Of course,” Calvin responds, his tone level.

“For you, I mean. Obviously, it doesn’t matter to me if she twists an ankle.”

I shoot him a mild glare. “Gee, thanks, Hollis. Does the queen know about you? I think you might

need to be knighted.”

Calvin smirks and releases Hollis from this mildly unpleasant conversation.

I’m still mean-mugging the man when Calvin’s hand finds my waist and he leads me toward the

entrance to my apartment building.

“Come on,” he says. “Let’s stop tormenting poor Hollis.”

“I don’t understand why he’s being so weird about me all of a sudden,” I state, shaking my head.

“He was like that all day. I said one mildly nice thing to him and he acted like I ripped off my clothes

and begged him to fuck me. Am I not allowed to be nice?”

“He’s probably extra sensitive about it right now. I did just have a man shot for having dinner

with you.”

“I guess that’s true,” I mutter, but it’s more generous than I want to be about it. “I’m gonna start

calling him Sir Hollis just to be a dick.”

Calvin opens the door and lets me go so I can step inside. “I don’t think so. If you’re going to be

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