Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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having it, though. He doesn’t seem to care at all.

I assume that means there’s nothing juicy for me to find, which shocks me considering who he is.

I’m still a bit tempted to accidentally scroll back an extra swipe just to see what kinds of things he

takes pictures of, but I behave myself and settle with just deleting the two inferior shots.

“That one’s the best,” I say, handing his phone back with the photo still on the screen. “Hollis

has my phone. Can you send it to him so I can post it later?”

He swipes the screen, not looking at me as he asks casually, “Why does Hollis have your


“I may have harassed him to bring it.”

He cocks an eyebrow and looks at me.

I smile sheepishly. “It was before I decided to behave.”

We head into the theater and find our seats. It’s not hard. Calvin got us box seats, which I’ve

never sat in before, but it’s quite nice because the two of us are the only ones in it.

“This is nice,” I say as I smooth down the back of my skirt and sit down. “I’ve never been in a

box before.”

“I don’t enjoy people. This is one way to mostly avoid them.”

I smile at his logic. “You’re a ray of sunshine, you know that?”

“More like a laser beam,” he says.

“The kind that destroys planets in sci-fi films.”

“Well, that planet shouldn’t have pissed me off.”

I chuckle and set my purse down on my seat. “Do I have to ask permission to pee before the

show starts?”

I’m teasing, but he answers, “Couldn’t hurt.”

I pause halfway to standing and stare at him. “Are you serious?”

He smirks, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

I sigh, roll my eyes, and make my way out to use the restroom.

The show is wonderful, and having the box to ourselves is nice. It’s over much too quickly, but

to be honest, I’m already a little tired. I yawn as Calvin hauls me confidently through the crowd. He

makes a path so easily. It’s like the sea parts for him as he leads me out to the sidewalk without once

bumping into anyone.

Hollis is waiting with the limo. Leaving with Calvin feels effortless, when usually I vaguely

dread this part of leaving the theater.

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