Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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to feel sexy in these heels. I lay draped across his desk with one leg bent, my heel resting gently on

the smooth mahogany surface. We take a couple of shots of me in Calvin’s chair.

We move to the bedroom and take quite a few of me in bed. Hollis begins to sweat when I

unbutton another button and drape the shirt strategically to expose a bit of cleavage.

As I’m moving from one pose to another of me climbing on the bed and looking back at the

camera, I say, “We have fresh strawberries in the refrigerator. Why don’t I grab one before we move

to the bathroom. I have an idea of a shot, me lying in the bathtub with the shirt completely unbuttoned

—but strategically placed, of course—and me biting into a strawberry. It looks really sexy in my

mind, let’s try it.”

It’s not until we’re in the bathroom and I have the strawberry in my hand that Hollis finally asks,

“Do you think sending sexy pictures to a guy who has already blackmailed you is the best idea?”

“When you put it that way, no. But these pictures are tasteful, they’re nothing I would die of

embarrassment about if they got out.”

“Fine. As long as you realize there’s every chance he’ll use them against you.”

“It’s a calculated risk. I need my phone back, and this seems like one potential way to get it. I

haven’t come up with any others yet.”

Despite his reluctance, Hollis helps me take the last shots, then he gives my phone back so I can

go through them and decide which ones to send to Calvin. I’m glad because it also gives me a chance

to text Charity back a couple of times.

In the end, I choose four pictures and attach them in a text to Calvin.

Hollis gives me a minute to wait for a response, but when nothing comes through, he begins to

get antsy. Another twenty seconds or so pass and then he says, “All right, hand it over.”

“He hasn’t texted back yet.”

“He might not. You’re not even supposed to have your phone. He probably expects I’ve taken it

away by now. And now I’m going to,” he says, right as he snatches it.

“Hey!” I pout. “But how will I know if he likes them?”

He shoots me a look. “You know he’ll like them.”

“Do you like them?” I tease.

He points at me, dead-eyed. “Stop.”

My eyes narrow with suspicion. “Why are you being so weird?”

“I’m not being weird. You’re coming onto me, and I don’t know why. If you think I’ll help you, I

won’t. If you’re trying to piss off Calvin, find another way.”

“Is it because you’re afraid he’ll shoot you?” I ask gravely.

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