Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Satisfied that I look sexy enough, I head back out to the living room with a smile on my face.

Hollis turns when I enter the room, then his eyes widen. He takes a step back as I walk toward

him, looking as if I’m some kind of threat.

What is his problem?

“Can you take a picture of me?”

“Absolutely not,” he answers.

I scowl. “Why? I want to taunt Calvin. I want to send him a sexed up picture and tell him maybe

if he’d let me have my phone during the day, he’d get more like it.”

Hollis still looks decidedly uncomfortable.

“Come on,” I say, waving for him to follow me as I head to Calvin’s office. “We’ll need to take a

few. Let’s start in here, then the bedroom, maybe even the master bath, depending on your

photography skills.”

Hollis doesn’t look very excited about helping me take sexy pictures, but I want my phone back,

dammit. Besides, it’s not like it will make a difference. Calvin will maul me tonight whether I send

him pictures or I don’t. Maybe if I can convince him he would benefit from it, he’ll decide to give my

phone back sooner rather than later.

My plan kind of works, anyway. Hollis doesn’t want the pictures on his phone, so he unlocks the

drawer in Calvin’s office where mine is kept and takes it out for the photo shoot. While he has it out, I

tell him I “have to make sure I have enough storage” so he gives it to me and I’m able to quickly shoot

off a text to Charity, who is hounding me about taking forever to answer her texts, and even check a

work email and shoot back a quick response.

“Are you done?” Hollis asks, scowling at me.

“Almost! Two more screenshots to delete. I take screenshots of the dumbest things and then I

forget to delete them.” I can tell he’s skeptical about my story, so to distract him while I email my

boss, I ask, “Do you have a jealous girlfriend or something?”

“No.” He still scowls at me. “Why?”

“You’re just being really weird about the photo shoot. I thought maybe you had a girlfriend you

didn’t want to risk finding racy photos of me in your recently deleted photos. It’s not like you would

keep them, just send them to Calvin for me.”

Hollis shakes his head. “I’d rather not.” Holding his hand out, he says, “I know you’re done with

whatever you’re doing over there. Give me the phone.”

I rush to end the email and push send, then I close my apps and open up the camera. “There. All


It has been quite some time since I’ve taken sexy pictures to send a guy, but it’s incredibly easy

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