Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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When I’m ready to wake up for the day, I do so slowly.

I have to take another shower since Calvin is such a greedy man and dirtied me up. Much to my

relief, I find a pair of my own pajamas waiting for me on the bathroom counter. Calvin must have stuff

from my apartment stashed somewhere because the pink and gray Aristocats pajamas are definitely

the ones my sister bought me for Christmas last year. She bought us matching ones and we took a

picture in them together with Marie snuggled up on the couch between us.

Since I work from home most of the time, I’m no stranger to wearing PJs all day. It’s the most

like myself I’ve felt at Calvin’s as I head to the kitchen, pausing to pet Marie who rubs up against my


“Mommy will feed you right now,” I tell her. “Assuming your new boyfriend Calvin didn’t

already do it.”

She flounces her tail as she ignores that comment and sashays into the kitchen.

I smile faintly and follow her.

Once Marie is fed and I’m fixing myself some instant oatmeal, I hear the elevator doors open in

the gallery. I freeze, not sure what to expect, but it’s Hollis who comes around the corner.

“Good morning, Hollis.”

“Morning,” he returns, nodding his head.

I see he’s carrying a garment bag draped over his back and a rectangular box tucked under his

arm. “Did you bring me presents?”

He nods, walking over and pulling a black envelope from Calvin out of his interior suit pocket.

I stop stirring and put the spoon down so I can grab it and open it.


I’m taking you to dinner and a show tonight.

The show starts at 7, so be ready to leave at 4:30.

Have a good day.


That’s kind of sweet.

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