Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Chapter Thirty One


I barely wake up the next morning when Calvin does.

I’m face-down, hugging my pillow. It’s his weight on me that wakes me up, then I feel him

between my legs and realize they’re spread. Before I can move or make a noise, he’s inside me. My

body aches from being used so roughly last night, so I don’t make it harder on myself by fighting. I

clutch the pillow as he drives into me, hard and unrelenting. I try to ignore the pressure that begins to

build in my own body, a natural result of his cock roughly moving in and out, scraping my pussy

walls. It aches because I’m sore, but it doesn’t hurt because of dryness, so I think he may have used

lube this time.

He growls and grabs a fistful of my hair, pushing my face into the pillow as he comes. I struggle

on instinct because I can’t breathe. He lets go and grabs my arm, rolling me over on my back so I have

to look up at him. He looks down at my angry face as he pins me down, his cock hanging against my

thigh, and smiles.

“Good morning.”

I do not return the sentiment.

He doesn’t seem to care. He leans in and kisses my forehead as if I did, then he releases me and

climbs off the bed.

I try to keep my gaze from drifting to his sculpted ass, but I fail. At least I look away before he

catches me.

“Ryan was already booked for this morning, but he’ll be here to make you breakfast tomorrow.”

I jerk my blanket back over myself rather violently. “Already booked?”

“I share his services with one other person. Prior to having you here, I didn’t need him every

day, so it didn’t make sense to have him full-time.”

“Thought you didn’t share,” I mutter, closing my eyes and trying to ignore the wetness between

my legs as I try to get comfortable so I can go back to sleep.

“I don’t share you,” Calvin specifies. “A chef I can share.”

I grumble incoherently and try to relax, but it’s impossible knowing he’s still in the room.

Mercifully, he heads for the shower, so I’m able to fall back asleep.


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