Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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“It’s almost over, baby,” he promises.

My body arches as he reaches down and eases his cock back inside me. It doesn’t hurt anymore,

but I bet it will tomorrow. I’ve never encountered the kind of stamina he’s showing tonight, so my

body very literally was not ready.

He cradles me against his chest, and I wrap my arms around him. My hands rest on his muscular

back as he drives into me once more. I’m not participating, just letting him use my body for his own


When his grip on me tightens and I feel his core going taut, I know he’s close. I bear down a bit

and squeeze my tired muscles, clenching around his cock.

The friction startles me. I thought my pussy was too tired to keep going, but I gasp at the

sensation as he rubs my walls. He lets go of me and I fall back against the bed, my heart rate kicking

up from the split second of free fall.

Still slamming into me at a regular rhythm, he repositions himself and braces one hand against

the bed to support his weight. He reaches for my pussy with the other one, teasing my clit as he fucks


I moan helplessly as my legs begin to shake. I don’t have to concentrate on gripping him

anymore. My pussy tightens naturally around his cock as he rubs my clit and continues to fuck me.

It’s like he grabbed hold of all my nerves in a tight fist and won’t let go. Tension builds

impossibly fast until I’m gasping for breath and arching off the bed. My thighs begin to quiver, ecstasy

just out of reach. I cry out, I whimper, I beg mindlessly.

And then I scream as I fly over the edge and free fall again, but this time… this time the freefall

is so sweet. It thunders through me, shaking me to my core. It hits in waves, seeming to come from

completely different paces. My pussy clenches tightly around his cock and Calvin groans, violently

gripping the bed as he drives as deep into me as he can.

I feel like I’ve just gone down the fun side part of a roller coaster and barely made it out alive.

My tummy flutters as he collapses on top of me. I’m weak and blissed out, and I wrap my arms around

his incredible body without even thinking about it.


His weight on top of me feels nice. My body is so relaxed that when my eyes close, I nearly drift

I can’t fall asleep like this, spread across the middle of the bed with Calvin’s cock still inside

me. I move just enough for him to jostle, too, and when he does, he tugs his cock out of me.

“I need to get up,” I murmur, pushing lightly against his chest.

He rolls off me and I roll off the bed. Instinctively, I start to grab for clothes, but then I remember

I don’t have any.

I suppose there’s no point clinging to modesty. He’s seen every part of me by now, so I walk to

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