Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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I expect pain to follow my acquiescence, but instead of his cock in my ass, he plunges a finger

into my needy pussy.

Excitement grips me as his finger moves methodically, straight to my clit. He doesn’t waste time

exploring anywhere else, he zeroes right in on the most sensitive spot and has me gasping and

clutching desperately at the bed in mere moments.

His voice is like heaven as he leans over me and murmurs in my ear, “Bad girls get punishments,

but what do good girls get?”

The finger banging of their life, if his current actions are any indication. I can’t answer; I’m too

busy seeing stars as he rubs my pussy with just the right amount of roughness.

“Oh, God,” I breathe.

Pleasure erupts within and a sharp cry bursts free from my throat. As the dizzying pleasure of

release washes over me, Calvin yanks his fingers out and shoves his cock into me.

I don’t care. Bliss surrounds me even as he pounds into my body. When he drags me forward and

climbs on the bed behind me, I gladly sink to my forearms with my ass in the air and do my best to

stay where he put me throughout every brutal thrust.

Because I came so fast, I guess I expected him to be close, but he’s not. He fucks me in waves as

he intermittently drags off pieces of clothing. By the time he’s finally naked, I’m face down in the

mattress. His fingers dig into my hips a bit painfully and he drives into me like he’s trying to split me

in half. I’m so hot and thirsty, I could pass out. My muscles are jelly from going through so many

different positions.

My pussy has had about all it can take. I’m ready to beg him to stop, to let me suck him to finish

him off. It feels like we’ve been in this bed for hours, and my body can’t take much more.

“Calvin, please,” I cry tiredly.

He slows down, then pulls his cock out of me. “Are you tired, baby?”

I nod miserably.

He rolls me over onto my back, pushing my thighs apart so he can climb between them.

I don’t fight. I’m exhausted.

He must be in better shape than I am, because he’s not. He looms over me with his cock out,

allowing me a moment to catch my breath. I gaze up at him, struck by the beauty of him completely

naked. He looks leaner in his suits, but his core is solid with perfectly chiseled muscles. His pecs are

well-shaped and firm. I get to put my hands on them as he leans down over me.

He caresses the side of my face and just looks at me. Then he pushes his fingers through my hair

and cradles the back of my head, pulling me up so that I’m in a sitting position, but cradled against his

broad chest.

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