Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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pussy. He does it again and again until I’m squirming on his lap, barely able to resist the urge to shift

so that my pussy rubs against his thigh. I’m desperate for the friction. I want to feel good.

He raises his hand. I wait to feel him caress me again, but instead he brings his hand down hard

and slaps my ass. The contact startles me more than the force. He was being so light and gentle, my

body wasn’t prepared for the impact. Before I have a chance to recover, he smacks me again, harder

this time.

My skin stings, but inexplicably, my pussy is still tingling.

His hand returns to my ass, but his touch is lighter again, smoothing over the stinging flesh. I was

tense when he was hitting me, but I relax as he rubs and massages my ass like he was before. The

sting fades and pleasure resurfaces as he pushes a finger between my legs again, teasing my pussy.

Pleasure dances up my spine. His hand is gone again.

Then it’s back, bringing searing heat as he smacks my ass again, harder than the first two times.

Thwack. Thwack. Thwack.

“Calvin,” I cry after the third, wiggling to try to get away from the increasing burn. “That’s too


His voice isn’t gentle at all when he tells me, “I say when it’s too hard.” His grip on me tightens

and he smacks my ass again, this strike even more violent then the ones before it.

“No,” I cry, wiggling and throwing my body until I’m falling off his lap. He tries to hold onto me,

but I kick him away and fall to the floor with a thud.

My heart seizes, then begins to thump wildly in my chest. I can’t wait for him to react, so I try to

crawl away.

I’m afraid of what he’ll do. Did I break the rule? He said he would spank me, but the strikes

were getting too hard and I was afraid.

I hear the bed squeak as he stands. Hear the thwip as he draws off his belt. I’m terrified he’s

going to hit me with it, so I crawl frantically toward the bedroom door, but it’s a pointless instinct; I

don’t really have anywhere to run.

He bends down and catches my ankles, jerking them out from under me and causing me to fall

flat on my stomach. I scramble to get up, to keep crawling away, but he grabs a fistful of my hair and

drags me up by it.

I cry out at the pain, not fighting him because I don’t want him to pull any harder.

“I’m sorry,” falls out of my mouth, but he doesn’t seem to care. Stony silence is all he gives me

and I can’t see him to see the expression on his face. “I’m sorry,” I cry again as he drags me across

the floor toward the bed. I scurry to catch my weight on my hands and knees, to crawl in the same

direction to lessen the searing pain radiating from my scalp.

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