Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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my soul she can hold in her hands for him to riffle through.

Some sick part buried deep inside of me wants to please him, and I don’t understand why.

That makes it easier when he finally repositions me and tells me to lean forward. I brace one

hand on the mattress and one on his knee as he repositions my body so it’s draped across his lap.

I thought I would feel stiff and uncomfortable, but I don’t. My breasts are smashed against his

muscular thigh. I can feel his cock prodding my hipbone through the fabric of his pants, and my ass is

draped across his other knee.

I feel soft and malleable, like clay in a pair of very capable hands. I tell myself I shouldn’t trust

him, but the sexual side of me is completely closed to advice at the moment.

“Now,” he says, his voice commanding and comforting at the same time. He runs a hand over my

ass, and languidness pours over me, causing my eyes to drift closed for a second. “I want you to

understand that if you continue to provoke me, my punishments will grow in severity. A spanking is

very mild, but I know little about the extent of your sexual experience, and I don’t want to hurl you

into the deep end if you’re accustomed to having floaties on your arms.”

That’s nice of him.

There’s an alarming lack of sarcasm in that thought so I try to shake it off.

No. No, nothing about him is nice.

So kind.

It’s like the sexual part of me is actively trying to bait the sensible side of me, preening and

gazing at him with open adoration.


Just because he knows how to sexually excite me does not mean—

His hand lands on my ass again, still softly, and a sigh of pleasure escapes me.

Oh, that feels nice.

I swallow as his hand passes lightly over my ass again, but this time, a daring finger traces the

slit between my legs and I sigh at the tingle of pleasure. His touch is light and made of magic. He rubs

my ass again, his finger tracing the opening of my pussy, his touch even lighter this time. It sends

shivers up my spine.

“You want it in your pussy, don’t you, sweetheart?”


No. No, no, no.

I try to insist I don’t, but that part of me is growing fainter as his feather light touch teases my

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