Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Chapter Twenty Nine


Calvin sits on the edge of the bed, waiting for me to do as he commanded.

My face heats as I gingerly lower myself onto his lap. I’ve never sat on a grown man’s lap

before—not as an adult, anyway. My Santa Claus days are long behind me, and this is certainly not as

innocent as that.

I feel awkward about my weight on his knee. Lap sitting isn’t for full-grown women, it’s for—

My thoughts are cut off abruptly when he slides his hand around my bare waist and pulls me

closer. Heat from his body joins the rising heat in mine and I’m so warm, I’m almost relieved to be


I sat tentatively with my butt on one thigh, but my feet still on the floor. He’s not content with that,

and he drapes my legs over his so I’m completely off the floor, every bit of my weight supported by


I feel intensely vulnerable in this position. Achingly vulnerable. I want to ask him to stop, but

he’s not even doing anything. His hard, muscular body feels so reliable. His strong arm is wrapped

around my back, supporting me.

“Kiss me,” he says, and I do. It feels perfectly natural in this position. I drape an arm around his

neck so I can lean into him and close my eyes as his mouth effortlessly dominates mine. My pussy

tingles even though he isn’t touching it and I can feel myself getting wet.

He only kisses me for a moment, then he breaks away, leaving my lips a little swollen and me

feeling strangely bereft.

Something inside tells me to resist, that none of this is happening by accident, even though it

feels that way to me. That he’s in complete control, and he knows the results he will get from every

move he makes.

That should make me feel more guarded, but in some ways… it’s reassuring.

His tone is gentle, but firm. “Rub.”

I don’t have to ask where he wants me to rub him. I slide my hand down to cover the massive

bulge in his black slacks. His eyes drift closed and his head falls back, but his firm grip on my body

never eases.

“That’s enough.”

I stop, and he opens his eyes. I can feel his gaze searching mine. I’m not sure what he’s looking

for, but I can feel how unguarded I am, how insistently some part of me is offering up every scrap of

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