Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Not that. Whatever door number two is, I want that instead.

When I can trust my mouth to open without bile coming up, I finally ask, “And my other option?”

“A spanking,” he says simply.

My heart lightens. “That’s all?”

“And whatever else that leads to, of course. But your second option is much less brutal, all

things considered. You unlocked that one when you chose to stop being a brat. See? Good things

happen to you when you behave.”

It’s hysterical that he thinks this constitutes a good thing happening to me, but I’m desperate to

avoid that impaling pole and the horrifying scene he described, so I don’t say that.

Swallowing past the lump stuck in my throat, I ask softly, “What do you want me to do?”

“Which do you choose—me, or the machine?”

I hate the way he phrases that, as if I have any choice at all. “You.” I swallow again, the selfbetrayal

cutting even deeper. “I choose you.”

I can see from the glint of victory in his eyes that those words seal my fate, but who am I

kidding? My fate was already sealed. It was sealed before I slipped into his office and grabbed one

of his shirts to paint in, before I ruined the rug or the couch. It was sealed before I ever even agreed to

any of his concessions, back when I first saw Jackson’s name flash across the screen and answered

the call.

I should have ignored that damn call.

Too late now.

“Drop the towel.”

My grip on it tightens, but I override the impulse and force myself to open it, revealing my bare

body for his viewing pleasure. My flesh warms as his gaze moves down my body. He lingers on the

most obvious places, of course, but he takes his time admiring every inch.

“Come closer.”

There’s a huskiness to his voice that sends a nervous thrill shooting through my tummy. I drop the

towel. I hear it hit the floor as I take a slow step forward.

“Touch yourself,” he commands.

My heart thuds. “Where?”

Rather than answer, he takes my hands and places them over my boobs. Taking the hint, I grab the

soft mounds of flesh, kneading and squeezing while he watches.

It only lasts a moment, then he grabs my hip and forces me closer. I drop my hands, unsure what

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