Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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there are certain aspects of my personality that aren’t for everyone.

My sex life, for example.

What turns me on horrifies some, even though I work to keep it in check. Above all else, I’m a

reasonable man. I understand that my predatory side is unconventional, that seeing fear leap to a

woman’s eyes and knowing I put it there shouldn’t get me hard as fucking steel.

It does, though.

I’ve never been able to find anything else that could come close to heating my blood the same


For the past several years I’ve been able to satisfy my darker cravings by coming to this club,

playing with like-minded individuals.

Lately, even that has lost its luster.

When I play here, it’s always with a consenting playmate. We’re each performing our agreedupon

role, but lately the experience has started to feel mundane. I’ve started to wonder if maybe

playacting has lost its edge and I need to take it to the next level.

When I play with a woman here, her fear isn’t real. Maybe that’s why it isn’t working for me

anymore. Perhaps I need the potency of the real thing.

I don’t know if the floor has fallen, the depths of my depravity sinking to new lows, or it’s

something else. I only know last time I roleplayed with one of the ladies here, I felt… bored.

It has been a while since I visited, the grime of the last visit lingering and draining my interest.

The only reason I came out tonight was because of Hallie. She was the last person to spark my

interest, and she wasn’t even naked or afraid. She was wearing a lovely red dress and smiling

sweetly at someone else as she sipped her punch across the room.

Even without speaking to her, she lingered in my mind long enough to become a preoccupation.

Tonight, I want to taste her fear.

I want to play with her.

I’m going to play with her, whether she wants to play with me or not.

Anticipation courses through my veins as the ominous black door eases open. Hollis, my

driver/bodyguard, escorts a wide-eyed Miss Meadows in behind him.

A rush of blood hits my cock at the mere sight of her, doe-eyed and mildly horrified by the

depravity of her surroundings.

“What is this place?” she asks Hollis, her voice small, like maybe the rest of us won’t hear her if

she’s quiet enough.

That and the way she leans close to him as if he might protect her makes me think he did his job

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