Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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might when they’re standing guard over the president. He looks over as Calvin enters the room, then

immediately looks back at me.

I flash Calvin the brightest smile, holding up my paint brush. “You’re home.”

His gaze rakes over me in his pricey dress shirt, now splattered and dyed with various shades of

paint. I watch his eyes register the damage to the rug, and as he walks around the couch, he notices

that, too.

As he gets closer to me, my heart begins to race, but I try not to let it show. I don’t want him to

know he’s making me nervous. He’s not even trying to, I just feel like a child who knows I’ve

misbehaved and now I’ll surely be punished.

And with him, I’m not sure what that punishment might be.

He says nothing about the mess I’ve made. His gaze flickers to the pages I illustrated, spaced out

across his rug. “Lovely.”

I blink. “Oh. You think so?”

“Mm-hmm. I like your color choices. The snow is a perfect finishing touch.” He leans down to

kiss me on the cheek. “I like you wearing my shirt, too. I see you did miss me today. Needed my scent

all over your body.” He caresses my cheek, looking more amused than annoyed. “Don’t worry,

sweetheart. You’ll get plenty of it later.”

I blink up at him, confused. He’s not even mad.


I know he saw the paint I flicked all over the place, but just in case he missed it—the paint is

white, like the couch, so maybe he didn’t notice that.

“I got paint everywhere. I hope you don’t mind. I’m quite messy when I’m working.”

He smiles faintly. “Not at all, my love. We can turn one of the spare bedrooms into your studio if

you’d like.”

Goddammit, why isn’t he mad?

I scowl up at him and he smiles back, then he turns away and walks into his office with his


I’m still sitting on my legs holding a paintbrush and pouting when he comes back in.

“Chef Ryan will be here soon,” Calvin says, flicking a glance at my outfit, his gaze lingering on

the swatch of skin exposed below my neck. “You should finish what you’re working on so you can

clean yourself up before dinner.”

“I ruined the couch,” I state, still clinging to the idea that perhaps he doesn’t realize the extent of

the damage. “The rug, too. This won’t wash out.”

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