Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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I watch as he approaches the hall leading to the gallery and the elevator.

Is he really going to leave me here alone before Hollis shows up?

I think he is.

My heart rate picks up a little, and my mind starts to race.

I could run.

Of course I could run, but my ability to run or not isn’t what keeps me trapped here. Yes, he had

that file folder in his office, but even if he left the whole packet out on the desk instead of locked

away, I’m sure he has copies. He said Arson had a copy of all of it, and I haven’t known him to be a



His voice startles me. I already thought of him as gone, so I look back over my shoulder with a

look I hope isn’t too guilty. “Yeah?”

His lips tug up and a touch of real fondness glints in his eyes. “I’m happy you’re here.”

It’s the most absurd thing in the world to feel a pinch of guilt that I was contemplating escape just

a moment before he said that, but I remind myself my feelings are appropriate; his are not.

I don’t know how the hell I’ll get away from this lunatic. I can’t run, so I have to find another

way. I need to make him tired of me fast.

An idea occurs to me. A fun one, but as the same time the very notion of doing it horrifies me.

My smile comes much easier as I offer one back. “Thank you,” I say, almost sweetly.

He should find that suspicious. The look he gives me tells me perhaps he does, but he doesn’t

have time to stay and investigate.

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