Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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I shake my head. “I can’t help with a sketch. I never saw his face. His hair. I have no idea what

he looked like. He wore baggy jeans and a sweater—a hoodie. Underneath he wore a black ski mask,

so even when the hood slipped down, I couldn’t see his face. I never even saw his eyes.”

“You can’t give us anything?” he asks skeptically.

I shrug helplessly. “He was taller than me, I think. But shorter than Lance.”

The nice one jots that down.

The jerky one asks, “Did you notice any distinguishing marks? Scars, tattoos?”

Arson’s inked hands flash to mind. “No,” I lie. “Not that I could see.”

I don’t know who Arson is, exactly, but without needing to be told, I can guess he isn’t someone

you implicate in a staged mugging.

Officer Asshole is decidedly unimpressed. “So, he’s a man of average height. What about his

build? Was he fat, thin, muscular?”

I shrug. “I don’t know… Regular?”

That’s not even remotely true. Arson is muscular and built like a fighter who throws one punch

and knocks his opponent out.

I don’t say that, and I don’t even know why.

“A man of average height and build with no distinguishing features,” he says drolly.

I stare at him. “He was wearing a black ski mask.”

“Any jewelry? Did he wear a ring?”

“Not that I saw.”

“Could you tell what race he was?”

“I’d say Caucasian.”

“You’d say?”

“We didn’t have time to go over his family tree.”

The officer hikes an eyebrow. “There’s no need to be smart, Miss Meadows. You would think

you’d want to do all you could to cooperate and help us find whoever attacked you and your friend.”

“And you would think you would talk to me like someone who was attacked instead of being so

rude. I’m not going to talk with you. I’ll happily talk with him,” I say, pointing at the tall, skinnier one,

“and tell him what I know, but I’m done talking to you.”

The man opens his mouth, but before he can speak, Calvin steps ahead of me. “I’m going to have

to agree and ask you to leave.” He draws a business card out of his suit pocket. “This is our lawyer’s

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