Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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mine does. “I told you what I wanted, and you know I’ll do whatever it takes to get what I want. He’s

lucky that kiss didn’t land—that would’ve earned him a second bullet in the other leg.”

Glaring up at me, she asks crudely, “And what if I fucked him?”

Rage surges inside me at the notion. Reveling in a moment of malice in response to her fit of

brattiness, I take pleasure in smiling faintly as I tell her, “Then he would be dead.”

She still glares at me, but I can tell by the way she swallows and flinches, she knows I mean it.

Looking back down at Marie and petting her, she asks woodenly, “So, what? I belong to you


“You’ve belonged to me since the moment we met,” I assure her.

“I didn’t agree to that,” she says lowly.

“I don’t care.”

She shakes her head like she can’t believe me, but what weapon does the poor thing truly have to

use against me? None.

“You’ll be staying here now,” I tell her. “We tried out living apart. I didn’t like it.”

“I did,” she mutters.

I ignore her and gesture to the corner where I set up her drawing table as close as I could to the

one at her apartment with all the same brands of tools since I assume those are her preference, but a

better quality desk and chair—and definitely a better view. “I set your work space up over there.

You’ll still be allowed to do your work, but if you have to go in for a meeting, Hollis will escort you.

Unfortunately, I can’t trust you to go out on your own yet. Once I know you don’t pose a flight risk,

you’ll be allowed to move around as you please as long as you always come back here.”

“And if I don’t?”

“You will,” I tell her simply, since that’s not an option.

“Hollis can’t come to my work meetings. That would certainly raise alarms, and since you are

technically holding me prisoner here…” She peeks up at me innocently. “I might be inclined to tell


“You won’t,” I assure her.

“You sound so confident.”

“I am.” Rather than waste time letting her think my confidence comes from the wrong place, I

step into my office and grab a folder off the desk.

She’s still sitting on the ground, but she frowns when she sees what I’m carrying. “What is that?”

“My insurance policy.” I drop the folder on the table, then turn and offer her my hand so she can

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