Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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I want all that, I really do. I want someone to love me. More than that, I want someone who is

intoxicated by me. I want kisses that ignite fireworks, warm caresses that express he truly can’t get

enough of me.

For once, I just want someone to love me wholly and completely, without common sense or


I’ll give every bit of it back, I just…

I’ve never found anything close.

I guess I know it’s a fairy tale. That’s not how the real world works. Even if you find love and

you get married, you wind up with a husband who laughs his ass off when you twist your ankle on the

beach instead of rushing over to make sure you’re okay.

None of this is making me more excited to go on this date.

Smiling faintly, I grab my phone and text Charity. “Cough, cough.” I press send, then add, “Oh no,

I think I’m sick…”

She responds almost instantly. “Then take a shot of Robitussin and get your ass in a cab.”

“Haven’t you heard? Romance is dead. Just let me stay home with Marie and watch Audrey

Hepburn movies.”

“YOU ARE OLD,” she answers.

“We’re watching Sabrina next!”

“Cab. Now!”

I slip the phone in my purse and grab my keys, then I make sure to lock up and head downstairs

to hail a cab.

As I burst through the door of my apartment building and emerge on the busy city street, I find all

the noises and smells I expect when I leave the apartment, but one thing I definitely don’t expect, too.

A limo is parked on the curb just outside my apartment.

I know it’s Calvin’s, because Hollis is standing outside of it with a black envelope in his hand.

You have got to be kidding.

“What are you doing here?” I ask cautiously.

“Calvin wanted me to deliver a message to you,” he says, holding out the envelope.

My eyebrows rise. “Did he lose my number?”

Hollis doesn’t answer, just continues to hold the envelope out until I take it.

Sighing, I finally do. I tear it open and yank out the note.

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