Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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him reminds me so much of the first version of her that caught my eye, her in the red party dress with

Jackson at her side.

Before I stole her happiness.

I’d like to give it back, but the stubborn brat won’t give me an opportunity.

I suppose it’s fair of her to feel that way, I just don’t care.

I want what I want, and I’ll have it at the end of the day. If she’s wise, she’ll give in before she

makes me break everything around her.

I guess we’ll see.

Some of the tension in my shoulders eases when Arson finishes and leaves her apartment. I

watch on the monitor as she examines her brand new door lock, trying the key she thinks I won’t have

a copy of and making sure her home is secure.

So fucking cute. I can’t help smiling.

Especially because she looks so damn proud of herself once she closes the door and gives it one

last look. I can see it in her carriage, in her puffed up chest. She’s so damn proud that she thwarted

me, I have to curb the urge to buy her another present.

I won’t.

I’d like to, and I’m not accustomed to denying myself things I want, but I need to see how these

next few days go without me. I want to see if, given the opportunity, she might miss me the way I

already miss her.


I’m tempted to go to her apartment several times over the next week.

It’s a long time to be without her.

Rationally, I realize I’ve spent nearly every day of my life without her and that’s an absurd thing

to think, but it’s how I feel all the same.

The idea skates across my mind once or twice that perhaps my bed wouldn’t feel so empty if I

filled it with someone else, but the notion is profane. The other side of my bed belongs to Hallie now.

Hers is the only naked body I want pressed against the silk sheets, the only flesh I want to caress and

restrain as I fight to bury my cock inside her.

No, a poor substitute won’t do.

I have to have the real thing.

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