Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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not in the wrong without telling him things I don’t want to share. Forcing myself to let it go, but oddly

desperate to extend his stay another moment, as if that will change his mind, I ask, “Is there an

address I can bring back the rest of your things after I’m finished with them and they’ve been


He shakes his head, making his way to the door. “Nope. Calvin paid for them, they’re yours to


“Oh. Well, thank you for coming today.” I follow him to the door.

He opens it and turns back to give me a half-smile. “No problem. Like I said, it’s my job.”

“Right,” I say a tad awkwardly. I still feel the urge to keep explaining myself, but I resist.

Ryan leaves, and I shut and lock the door. It reminds me of the calls I have to make today to find

someone who can come change my locks immediately since I don’t know how to do it myself.

I guess I shouldn’t feel so guilty about Calvin’s gesture, or anything else. He took things off my

to-do list by having Ryan come, but he put things on it, too. If Calvin hadn’t interfered, I wouldn’t

have to get my damn locks changed today.

I know I only feel conflicted and upside down because Chef Ryan doesn’t have all the

information. I know Calvin is all kinds of bad news. If I had any doubt, I would only need to look at

the web he has already spun around my life in the short time I’ve known him. Everywhere I look

there’s his silk. Given just a little more time, there’d be so much I wouldn’t be able to see through it.

Nodding, more sure than I was a moment ago, I let go of the discomfort that resulted in knowing

someone was disapproving of me and go to my computer so I can get on with my day—and my life

without Calvin Cutler in it.

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