Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Lifting my eyebrows, I say, “Am I getting charged for this?”

“Sorry. I was busy limping to the bed because chivalry is dead,” she says, shouting the last part,

presumably for her new husband to hear.

I smile faintly as I take a seat at the counter. “I take it the honeymoon is going well?”

“Fabulous,” she says. “Well, one part fabulous, one part horrific trauma.” She sighs

dramatically. “I have been maimed.”

Concern flickers across my face. “Are you okay?”

“We were down at the resort bar drinking and having a good time. You know how Tyler can

make friends literally anywhere? Well, he did that.”

She hardly struggles to make friends herself, but I don’t bother remarking since she’s still talking.

“So we’re drinking and talking and having a good time, and me and these other girls decide to

play beach volleyball.”

“Uh oh.”

“Yeah. Me drinking plus trying to be athletic?”

“You were asking for trouble,” I say solemnly.

“I twisted my ankle like a fucking spaz. Of course.”

“Of course,” I agree. “No other way that could have gone.”

“And now I’m laid up in bed, the room is spinning, and Tyler laughed at me and kept drinking at

the bar instead of bothering to come over and see if I was okay. So now I have to get a divorce.”

“Naturally.” I tap the touchpad on my laptop to wake it up so I can look up what time it is in

Bermuda. “Good thing you know a bunch of lawyers.”

“It really fucking is.”

Frowning at my laptop screen, I ask, “Are you only an hour ahead of me?”


“When did this maiming happen? It’s morning. Are you already drinking?”

“Yes, Mom. I’m on my honeymoon.”

“Or pre-divorce moon, depending on how you look at it.”

Sighing again, she says, “I’m dying.” In the background I hear Tyler asking if she needs ice. “Oh,

now you want to help. Aren’t you Prince Charming.”

I crack a smile and go to Google so I can search how to care for a sprained ankle. Skimming the

immediate search results, I advise her, “Make sure you elevate it, too.”

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