Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Once I’m safely out of his reach on the sidewalk, I look in and tell him goodbye.


I’m alone in my bedroom when I wake up from the dream.

Only it’s not a dream at all. It’s a memory.

A memory of things that actually happened after we left the museum last night, after we got away

with something we definitely should not have done.

A night that never should have happened.

At least it’s over now.

It’s all over now. I’ve honored my promise and fulfilled my end of the bargain. Today I’ll make

calls about getting my locks changed again so he won’t have a key.

It was a wild ride, but it’s over now and time to get back to my life.

I sit up in bed with my covers still wrapped around me. I run my hands over my face and try to

summon some energy to get out of the bed and start my day.

That’s when I hear it—a noise.

I freeze and listen for it again.

It sounded like it came from inside my apartment, but no one else should be in my apartment.

I look around for Marie, but she must have already woken up and slunk out of the room. The door

is cracked open enough for her to get out.

Maybe she’s getting into something in the kitchen. I better go check.

Carefully moving back the blankets, I slide my legs over the edge of the bed, but before my feet

touch the ground, I hear another sound—it sounds like something opening and closing. A door?

Marie can’t open doors.

I tell myself it could be a neighbor. I hear neighbors getting home all the time.

The walls in this apartment building are thin, but that didn’t sound like it was coming from a

neighbor’s apartment. It really sounded like it came from mine.

Is Calvin in my apartment?

I know he has a key, but I don’t want to go out there thinking it’s him and find out that—by some

coincidence—I’m being robbed.

I look around my cramped room for something that could be used as a weapon, but there isn’t

much. My writing table and chair, my dresser, Marie’s little lounging bed in the corner. Nothing hard,

nothing that could hurt.

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