Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Chapter Twenty One


My dreams that night are a muddled, intoxicating mess.

Calvin and I holding hands as we hurry down the steps of The Met, him in his dashing black tux,

me in my wrinkled blue ballgown. Racing back to the limo like two criminals fleeing the scene of

their crime, him carrying my clutch because I’m holding my bra and didn’t want to draw attention to


Horror and fear turning to reluctant amusement as Calvin’s eyes flashed with mischief. “So, did

you have a good time?”

We drink champagne and drive through the city.

I’m exhilarated and a little drunk.

Calvin grabs me and pulls me onto his lap as we near my apartment.

I can feel the hard bulge of his cock under my ass, but I look away and try to pretend I don’t.

He grabs my jaw and wrenches it back, forcing me to look at him.

My stomach pitches from the dark, hungry look in his eyes even after he’s already had me.

We’re almost to my apartment. It’s almost the end.

He tells Hollis to drive around the block.

And then it’s a haze of bunched up fabric and bare limbs. Me on my back in the limo, Calvin

between my thighs. My nails digging into the soft, buttery leather as he drives his massive cock into

me again and again. His fingers leaving bruises as he holds onto me tight so he can pound even


I’m full of him. So full.

And then ecstasy. Flying high as the orgasm rocked me, as he drove deep and emptied himself

inside me for the second time that night.

We pull up in front of my apartment. I’m righting my clothes and hair just in case anybody sees

me on the way to my floor.

The end hangs heavy in the air, the last two words that need to be typed on our story. I can feel

fingers poised over the keys as I reach for the door handle.

Not Calvin. He still thinks I’ll reconsider. He asks me to one more time.

I shake my head no and climb out of the car.

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