Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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He grabs my hair, pulling me upright and backing me against the wall.

“Calvin,” I cry quietly, trying to explain, but before I can say another word he tears my panties

off, shoves them in his pocket, and then lifts my thigh. He’s inside me again before I can fight him,

pinning me to the wall and driving his cock into me, this time while looking me in the eye.

I can’t take it.

“Mr. Cutler?”

Oh my god.

The guard is just on the other side of the wall.

Maybe it’s the fear of knowing we’re caught, maybe it’s the way his cock strokes my walls even

as he hears the man on the other side calling out for him. Whatever it is, I plummet into climax with

such frightening force that I have to bury my face in Calvin’s neck to keep from crying out. My pussy

clenches and clenches, strangling his cock as he pumps his cum into me.

My body goes completely weak. My head swims with bright white light and fuzzy pleasure.

Calvin sets me down carefully, and once he’s sure I can stand, he leans in to whisper in my ear

as he buttons up his pants. “Get your clothes on as quickly as you can and slip out the side entrance.

Pretend you were in the bathroom and walk back to the table calmly.”

I nod, but that all feels impossible. I’m certain the guard will walk in and see me naked and

sweaty and know exactly what just happened.

Calvin meets my gaze once to make sure I understand, then he steps through the open doorway

and out onto the porch.

As soon as he’s in the next room, I take a step back to gather my things and cringe when I hear the

heel scrape across the floor.

Quickly stepping out of my heels, I bend down and pick them up. When I pop back up, I expect to

see Calvin and the guard in the doorway, but it’s still empty, so maybe they didn’t hear.

My hands tremble as I snatch the bra and gown off the floor. I’m so nervous I nearly miss the

hole as I shove my legs in and yank the dress up so at least I’ll be somewhat covered when the guard

inevitably ducks his head in and finds me.

But I can hear Calvin on the other side, asking about one of the reliefs on the wall. I pull the

dress together and ease the zipper up slowly so it makes as little noise as possible.

I’m still holding the bra and my shoes when I realize the voices aren’t getting closer, but farther

away. I hear the sound of Calvin’s loafers against the steps and realize he really is leading the guard

out of the temple.

As soon as I peek around the corner and can’t see them, I gather up my rustling skirts and run

barefoot out the side entrance.

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