Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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“Brace your hands,” he orders, voice low.

Heart hammering, I do as he says without thinking about it. I swallow as he unzips his pants,

darting a glance at the temple’s entrance. It feels like we’re being too loud, or maybe too quiet. We’ve

been in here for too long. They should come over to peek inside and make sure we’re not doing

anything we shouldn’t be.

Calvin grabs my hips and positions me how he wants me. The horror that blossomed earlier

expands as I realize he truly is going to fuck me in this temple with guards just outside.

Oh my god.

We’re going to get caught. There’s no way we won’t. No fucking way.

“Calvin, please.” I try one more time as he brings the smooth crown of his bare cock between my

thighs. “Not here. Please. Let’s just leave. I won’t fight you in the car, I promise. Or I will if you want

me to, I’ll fight and claw and try like hell to get away from you. I’ll do whatever you want, just please

not here. I don’t want to get caught.”

I can tell my offer entices him because he pauses and actually seems to consider it. Maybe he’s

envisioning me crying out for help, crawling across the limo floor as he drags me back, wrenches my

thighs apart, and drives into me.

I bet he’d like that.

I’ll let him do it if he just lets me put my damn clothes back on right now. At the very minimum,

I’m certain we will get a lifetime ban if we’re caught, and I love the Met.

At worst, tonight will end with the pair of us locked in a jail cell together, and I don’t want to be

locked in a cell with him, either.

Been there, done that.

“I do like the idea of you trying to get away from me while I fuck you… Let’s do that sometime

this week.”

Oh, my God.

“I’m not seeing you this week. I’m not seeing you ever again. If you want to do it, this is your

only chance.”

He chuckles like I’ve said something funny, then guides his cock between my thighs and shoves

into me.

I gasp, startled by the intrusion, and grab onto the edge of the wall. “Calvin,” I whisper, trying

one more time before it’s too late. “Please…”

He liked when I begged him the night he drugged me, but it doesn’t do me any good now. My

pussy clenches around him as he shoves deeper. It’s a snug fit and it feels every bit like the invasion it


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