Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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to unzip it but I grab it with both hands before it can fall.

This displeases him. He drops the dress and grabs my hands, gathering them together and

planting them over my head against the wall. He shackles them there with one hand and uses the other

to unfasten my bra once the dress falls off.

My breasts spring free and his hungry gaze hits them. He grabs them and palms them one at a

time, then smashes them against his warm arm and presses me closer to the wall. He moves his arm

and smashes my bare tits against the cool sandstone, then he brings his body against my back so I’m

trapped between him and the wall, unable to move away.

“How does it feel?” he murmurs in my ear.

My heart thunders. “Like someone could walk around that corner and see us like this at any given


He doesn’t sound as afraid of that as I am. “Yeah? You think the guard would make me stop? Or

do you think he’d come closer and watch your face as my finger moving inside you makes you moan?

Do you think he’d be turned on when I bend you over right here and shove my cock into you? Do you

think he’d wish he could do it instead?”

I swallow, trying to push back against him to move away from the wall, but he doesn’t let me. He

keeps me caged here, now almost completely naked. My dress and bra have fallen to the ground, but

the panties are still stuck around my thighs.

My pussy is exposed enough for him to easily slide his hand between my legs, so he does. He

pushes into me and I’m so ashamed when he slides in easily, my pussy already slick with arousal.

He groans when his finger plunges all the way to the knuckle, releasing my wrists and locking his

arm around my neck instead. I grab onto his arm, but he doesn’t pull it too tight. He just wants to keep

me close, keep me controlled.

“I want to leave,” I whisper.

“I know,” he murmurs, pushing a second finger into me. He pulls both out and pushes them back

in, simulating fucking. He keeps me close and listens to every tiny sound I make as he does it again

and again.

When he pulls his fingers out of me, I know they’re coated in arousal. I know because he brings

them up to show me.

Embarrassment burns its way to the tops of my ears, but he’s not just showing me to embarrass

me. Keeping his arm locked tightly around my throat, he moves his hand and wipes his fingers across

the sandstone wall.

I gasp as he leaves wet marks on the cracked surface. My eyes are wide with sheer horror, then

he pulls me back and wipes the rest on my bare tits. I forget to breathe, so utterly horrified. His arm

drops from my neck so abruptly that I feel momentarily bereft, then he grabs a fistful of my hair and

smashes my face against the wall.

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