Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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And then there’s the man behind me, intent on inflicting all the damage his black heart desires.

His hand slides down my back, then over the curve of my ass. He squeezes me through the fabric of

my dress and panties. It’s a lot of fabric, but I can still feel the heat from his hand like a brand against

my bare skin.

He squeezes me again, then slides his hand between my legs to give my pussy the same attention.

I don’t know if it’s the way he handles me, rough and careful at the same time, or knowing that at any

moment a guard could come around the corner and spot us, but arousal throbs between my thighs and

heat spreads to my core.

I still want him to stop. He can continue this in the car, but it’s too risky here.

“Calvin, please, can we go?”

In answer, he presses his finger into the cleft between my legs, even through all the fabric.

A thrill shoots through me at the stimulation. It’s so wrong on so many levels, but as the blunt tip

of his finger moves toward my clit, every muscle in my body is taut with anticipation.

He stops just before he touches it.

I sag a little, but I swear it’s relief and not disappointment. I’m glad he came to his senses. I’ll

feel so much better once we—

Rather than release me and walk out of the temple like we were about to do in my head, he

reaches down and bunches up the yards of fabric around my legs. Cool air hits my bare skin. Before I

can question what he thinks he’s doing, he cinches it at my waist and holds the wrinkled fabric to the

side with one hand while using the other to drag my panties down.

“Calvin,” I whisper, scandalized.

“Shh,” he murmurs against my ear as he tugs the fabric down, exposing my ass. “Do you think

anyone has ever fucked in here?” he asks, leaving my panties around my thighs and running his fingers

across my pussy entrance.

Ignoring the throb, I say, “Of course not. It’s a temple.”

His hand grazes my pussy but he doesn’t push any fingers into me. Instead, he runs his hand over

the curve of my ass and squeezes, then gives it a little smack.

It’s as if the sound reverberates through the entire museum. My eyes widen and my heart jumps.

“Are you crazy?”

He smiles, then runs his other hand down the front of my throat. “Do you want to feel these

ancient sandstones on your bare tits, Hallie?”

Shaking my head, my cheeks scarlet, I hiss, “No.”

“I think you do. Too cautious to take it for yourself, but you’re curious.” His hand on my ass

slides up the middle of my back until he’s got hold of my zipper. I feel the material give as he begins

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