Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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I turn to head back through the doorway to the porch, but before I get there, I’m stopped short by

Calvin’s steely grip.

With one hand he grabs my upper arm, the other my hip. After halting my movement, he pushes

me forward until my breasts are smashed against the temple wall. The sound of my beaded bodice

scraping the sandstone surface makes me panic more than his hands on me. Terrified my dress will

leave a mark, I try to shove myself away from it, but I only pull back a couple of inches before my

backside is met with the heat of Calvin’s muscular body.

“Are you crazy?” I whisper furiously.

His taunt is light and sinfully rich at the same time as he murmurs in my ear, “Am I taking up

enough space for you, sweetheart?”

Heat floods my cheeks and I try again to rear back, but I only manage to wind up firmly in his

forceful embrace.

“Get off me,” I demand, turning my head so I can steal a look back at him.

Unbothered by my tone, he kisses the shell of my ear. “Say please.”

Shame turns the tops of my ears red, but I’m too concerned with being caught to waste time

arguing with the big jerk. “Please,” I manage through gritted teeth.

“Not sweet enough,” he reprimands. As if he has all the time in the world and he’s the god this

temple was built for, he says, “Unless you want to end up on your knees right here, right now, I’d try

one more time.”

Terror sluices through me, widening my eyes and cooling my righteous anger just a bit. “Please,”

I say, my tone much gentler. “I don’t want to get in trouble.”

“Mm,” he murmurs, his tone thick with approval as he kisses the side of my head. “No, of course

you don’t. I bet since you don’t want to get caught so badly, I could do anything I want to you right

now without worrying you might cry out for help…”

A chill slithers down my spine.

He wouldn’t.

… Right?

That’s what I’m telling myself, but then his massive hand slides down and cups the curve of my

ass and I realize…


Yes, he would.

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