Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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“My father, he was a scientist—is a scientist,” he amends. “He’s still alive, just not to me.

Anyway, he started a tech company a long time ago, got in on the ground floor. The company became

enormously successful. He expected me to take it over once I finished college and spent enough time

working there and learning the ropes. Legacy is important to him, and he wanted to build something

for his only son.”

I have an idea where this might be going.

“I am the CEO of a massively profitable tech company, Hallie, but do you think it’s the one my

father built for me?”

Pressing my lips together in a grim line, I shake my head.

“No,” he agrees. “It’s not. Because what I wanted more than wealth was to wound my father, so I

put myself through school and then went to work for his biggest competitor. Once I learned the ropes

there, I got promoted, and I kept getting promoted until I was right there at the top. When the CEO

decided to retire, trade in the long nights for a board seat, I’m the one he chose to take over the

running of his company. It’s my company now, and I crushed my father’s years ago.” Sitting back in

his seat, he gazes at me, “So you see, Hallie, I’m not afraid to put in a fuck ton of effort to get what I

want, even if there’s a much easier option available. We only get one life, and I’m going to spend

mine having exactly what I desire.”

Our gazes are locked, mine guarded like an animal in the presence of a predator, his calm

because in his mind this is just a dance. Losing is an impossibility to him, and I guess I can see why.

With enough money and power, there’s not much you can’t make happen, and he is clearly strongwilled

if he’s not even tempted by what’s easy and chases what he wants with such single-minded

determination. This is not a man easily deterred once he sets his mind to something, and if his sights

are set on me… I’m not sure how I can change that.

“Can I ask you something?” I ask softly, knowing there’s a good chance I’ll piss him off if I do.

“Of course.”

I lick my dry lips, then take a drink of the wine that remains in my glass. That’s not what I

needed, so I quickly take a sip of water, then bring my focus back to Calvin, patiently awaiting my

question. “You seem angry at your father for… stealing your mother’s life, essentially. For

imprisoning her—that’s the word you used.”

He nods, following me so far.

My heart beats a little faster. I know I’m walking a potentially dangerous line. “But aren’t you

willing to do the same thing to me?” His whole face freezes. His eyes widen slightly as if he can’t

quite believe my gall, then go cold in a way that sends a chill straight down my spine. Scrambling for

purchase on this increasingly slippery slope, I stammer, “I—I mean, you said that you would kidnap

me and lock me up in your bedroom until you’re finished with me. You said you’d destroy me if I

didn’t give you what you wanted—”

His chair scrapes the floor as he stands and shoves it back.

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