Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Chapter Seventeen


When we enter the great hall, there’s not another soul around.

I didn’t expect the event to be here in the great hall, but I look around for a sign or banner

announcing the benefit and letting guests know where it’s located. I don’t see one, but I suppose an

event like this is invitation-only, so maybe they have no need of a sign.

Calvin releases me so I can turn around, tilting my head back and looking up at the incredible

architecture all around me. The beautiful archways, the high ceilings. I’ve never seen the place so

empty before, but I have to admit, it’s pretty cool.

“I feel like we have the whole place to ourselves,” I murmur with a smile I can’t hold back. It’s

not for him, it’s for The Met.

I feel his eyes on me as I wander over to look at an enormous mural painted on the wall. He

startles me when he says simply, “We do.”

I spin around and my gaze darts back to him. “What?”

He gestures around the empty museum. “Do you see anyone else?”

“Well… no. But…” I look around again, as if someone might pop up.

No one does.

Frowning, I look back at Calvin. “I’m confused.”

Calvin takes a step forward, then another. He’s not coming toward me, but walking through the

great hall. He seems to be heading somewhere, so I have to follow him to get my answer.

“The place is ours for the evening,” he states. “It’s a bit late to see everything, but I thought we’d

take a stroll through the Egyptian art on our way to the main event.”

My heels click against the floor as I follow him. “Ours? You mean just ours?”

He nods once, then glances back at me. “There will be a guard on duty once we get into the

gallery, but he’ll stay out of the way. Essentially, it’s just us.”

“You… rented out… The Met,” I say slowly, trying to wrap my head around what he’s saying.

“Just for this. Just… for a date.”


I blink and say nothing for a moment. He says it like it’s no big deal, but this is a very big deal.

I stop walking. Since my heels stop clicking, they give me away. Calvin stops and turns back to

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