Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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willpower not to maul me right here in the back of the limo.

He doesn’t, though.

I suppose he wants to save that for after whatever date he has planned.

The urge to pout about the unfairness again is strong, but I have a strong feeling he liked that, so I


It’s not much longer before the car pulls up in front of a place I definitely recognize, but I’m a

little confused because it’s definitely closed at this time of night. Unless there’s a private event here


They do have lavish fundraisers here sometimes and Calvin probably attends things like that. I

suppose that would explain the gown and the tux, but would Calvin really take me somewhere so

public for our last date?

I guess so, because the car stops and Hollis gets out. As he walks around to open my door, I

glance over at Calvin. “This is what you wanted to do tonight?”

Maybe it’s not.

Maybe he already had plans so I’m just tagging along.

Rather than answer explicitly, he asks, “Was I wrong? Do you not like museums?”

“No, I do, I just…”

I thought we would be alone.

I don’t say that because then he might take it to mean I wanted to be alone with him, and that

would be crazy.

I should be glad he’s taking me somewhere public.

Besides, never in my wildest dreams did I expect to ever attend at fundraiser at The Met.

I should be glad that’s all it is.

Why am I not glad?

I don’t like it, but in a dank, dark corner of my soul I’m confronted by the idea I’d had that

Calvin would want me all to himself, especially on our last night together. Or, the last one I’ll agree

to be present at, at least.

Even the kidnapping thing seems impossible after this. A lavish event like that would be

photographed. There would be evidence that he was out with me tonight, so if I went missing, people

would be able to determine pretty easily that he was the last person I was seen with.

It’s absurd to be even slightly disappointed that this is the date. It’s not something I even want to

admit to myself, but… that’s how I feel.

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